Next to Normal – (A)normal March 06, 2021

    Next to Normal – (A)normal March 06, 2021

    Winner of the 2009 Tony Award and the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, “Next to Normal” is an American musical with lyrics by Brian Yorkey and music by Tom Kitt. Considered one of the most mature musicals of recent decades, the show premiered on Broadway in 2008, and now reaches Romania.

    With surreal touches, “Next to Normal” captures the emotional story of the Goodman family. The father is an architect, the mother is in a hurry to prepare breakfast and packages every morning, and their children are two temperamental teenagers. Under the guise of a happy family, their lives are far from normal. The mother, Diana, has been facing bipolar disorder, anxiety and mood swings for 16 years, to which the other members of the family do not know how to relate. The show invites the audience to enter the minds and hearts of the protagonists, to be understood and to empathize with their sensibilities and unfulfillments.

    How much lucidity is needed to accept reality as it is? The musical “Next to Normal” does not offer answers, but only another perspective to look at things.


    Diana Goodman Anca Florescu
    Dan Goodman – Adrian Nour
    Gabe Goodman – Lucian Ionescu
    Natalie Goodman – Sidonia Doica
    Doctor Madden – Cătălin Petrescu
    Henry – Andrei Miercure

    Cu participarea Orchestrei Teatrului Național de Operetă și Musical „Ion Dacian”

    Creative Team

    Director: Victor Bucur
    Translation and adaptation: Geanina Jinaru-Doboș
    Musical direction: Alexandru Burcă
    Assistant director: Daniel Burcea
    Scenography: Cristi Marin
    Vocal Coach: Ana Cebotari
    Accompanist: Andreea Dobia
    Graphic Designer: Sabina Spatariu
    Sound Design: Liviu Elekeș
    Lighting Design: Cristian Niculescu, Costi Baciu
    Communication, PR & Social Media: Elena Coman

    Project co-financed by AFCN and developed by the Association of the Romanian Center for Artistic and Social Education – CREAS in partnership with the National Operetta and Musical Theatre “Ion Dacian”