If We Love Each Other

Two teenagers, apparently different, fight for fear of taking risks. She’s a girl who comes out without wanting to stand out, he’s a Rockstar. Following a bet, the story takes an interesting turn.

Where can Axell and Jess go… if they love each other?

The musical “If we love each other” is a love story imagined by Julieta Georoiu and written by two teenagers: Anastasia Jinga and Rareș Fota, to the music of the band Holograf.

“If we love each other” – adolescent musical is the first generation-fusion musical in Romania.

The show creates a bridge over generations between Holograph fans – most of whom have reached adulthood and today’s teenagers.

With an original script and approaching a rising theatrical genre in Romania – musical, being played exclusively by young people (many of them awarded in the most important voice, dance or acting competitions), the show exudes energy, youth and love. All music (including instrumental) is live.

Cast: Tomy Weissbuch, Ana Stănciulescu, Daria Oprea, Anastasia Dade, Ioana Dragomir, Teodora Sava, Maria Ninu, Petru Georoiu, Alexandru Rebeja, Alexandru Mihai, Tudor Dumitru, Radu Antal, Adrian Bumbes, Luca Petresteanu, Eduard Chimac, Răzvan Gogan, Andra Gearap, Luca Udățeanu, Cristian Popescu, Ștefan Ceaușu, Amalia Nicolescu, Maria Maftei, Ana Todoran, Valentina Vagaon, Calista Ștefănescu, Elena Stoienescu

Creative Team:

Choreography: Toria Drăgulescu și Rasmina Calbajos
Singing Coordinator: Robert Costin
Scenography: Daniela Drăgulescu
Video: Eranio Petruska
Musical Production: Daniel Radu, Cristian Mihai, Alina Toma
Music performed live by Tomy Weissbuch & Band
Assistant Director: Liviu Chițu
Director: Julieta Georoiu